$100 per month
$500 per 6-months (only
$83.33 per month)
$700 per year (only
$58.33 per month)

Paid advertisement for online advertising gets your website banner (and link to your website)
posted on
three highly trafficked pages on our website; both of our Home and Online Content pages
via a small banner under the SPONSOR column and our Sponsors page via a standard sized banner.

Home/Online Content page banner size (185x50):

Sponsor page banner size (405x60):

Online advertising not only gets you banners listed on our website, but exclusive access to the
NEWS feature for further visibility without an advertising commitment inside our publication.
Front Cover
Why Choose The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine?:
The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine is a new and innovative way to advertise your business.  What we
can promise you is a large reader base at a considerably less financial risk in advertising rates
than our competition.  Additionally, we guarantee your "Full Page" advertising rate is secured at
the rate you pay as of your second consistent full page or greater, advertisement in our
publication.  The rate remains secured so long as you consecutively advertise in the pages of The
NAM: National Airsoft Magazine.

Why gamble with your money?  Unlike the competition who "inflate" presale claims, and sell through
bookstores which are closing locations left and right due to the economy, we market
your target consumer via airsoft distributors, subscriptions, airsoft retailers, associated
retailers, our highly visible online website, and event sponsorships.  This means your ad doesn't
sit inside a magazine, in warehouse waiting to be purchased, or waiting to be special ordered at an
online bookstore and shipped to a retail location for pick-up.  Instead, it is actually carried by
airsoft retailers internationally, targeting airsoft players, collectors and enthusiasts directly!  
While our publication is not color, we compensate with quality content, a heavy page count and
unbiased product reviews which our reader, and the industry as a whole, have come to know and
trust...something the competition cannot honestly claim.

The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine has the benefit of having the
of any current English language airsoft magazine in print circulation
.  We've been publishing since March of 2004 and our national audience has crossed the nation
from Hawaii to Maine and from Florida, to Alaska, comprising of sales in ALL 50 states.  
International audience includes countries such as Canada, Mexico, Brazil, The Philippines, UK,
France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Australia,  Hong Kong, Thailand, Japan and more!  Several
retailers carry our magazine at their online and walk-in stores.  We also have a network throughout
the nation and abroad, who attend most of their local games and larger functions to advertise the
magazine where the main staff cannot.  What we cannot reach through these methods, our website can
via the Internet.  Bottom line...

As far as the publication itself, we offer several enticing columns, detailed “how-to” sections and
honest product reviews.  Our promise to the readers is a 100% unbiased magazine covering every
aspect of the sport that we can fit into each and every issue.  Our magazine is published on a
consistent “quarterly” basis and, as stated above, is already carried by several retailers
worldwide, with many more to come.  We set the standard and continually up the bar to ensure our
readers get the most for their money, never sacrificing quality or content for superficial "

Please contact us regarding any questions you may have.  We are always willing to work with
Retailers.  We also have experienced, Certified Graphic Artists to assist with ad creation (for a
modest fee) if needed.  Feel free to contact us to request either a complimentary PDF or Retailer
Copy of our product which we will email/ship to you immediately.  Our address has been provided
above or you can email any questions or suggestions to us directly:

Again, we appreciate your taking the time to investigate us and hope that this is a venue in which
you will consider advertising your business.  We are not only looking to establish a connection
with the players of the sport but also with you, the retailer.
Advertisement Rates and Description:
Full Page Advertisement
Grayscale: $450 USD
A 1-year full page commitment is 4
full page advertisements (1 per
quarter/consecutive magazine
release).  Your 1-year commitment
gets you the discounted rate of
$1600 for 4 consecutive full page
advertisements (1 per issue), a
savings of $200.  1-year full page
commitments must be paid in full
at time of purchase and location
is based on editorial discretion.
22lb paper.  Location in publication
is based on editorial discretion:
8.5 x 11 inches @ 200dpi
Half Page/Tower Advertisement
Grayscale: $300 USD
22lb paper.  May be either a
vertical tower ad 4.25 x 11 inches
or horizontal ad 8.5 x 5.5 inches
@ 200dpi.  Location in publication
is based on editorial discretion.
All advertisements (with the exception of the media insert) must be supplied in JPEG format
at no less, but no more than 200dpi.
The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine as Inventory: Because our publication is free of charge to our
readers, at present, carrying The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine is a benefit only offered to our
sponsors.  To take advantage of this great opportunity by advertising in our publication, please
see above for our online and print advertisement options and rates.
Advertising Instructions:

1. Contact us via email: advertising@nationalairsoftmagazine.com to secure your advertisement
placement in our upcoming issue. Our ad policy is a first-come first-serve basis, unless otherwise
noted. Please specify payment method: PayPal or check.  See the "Next Issue" link for release and
submission dates.

2. Send a high resolution jpeg image (sizes specified above @ 200dpi) of your advertisement to:
advertising@nationalairsoftmagazine.com. Specify "Advertisement" in the subject line. Please send
an additional ad to be used (if needed) as a complimentary filler.

3. Advertisement payments may be made via
PayPal to: "advertising@nationalairsoftmagazine.com".  
Please specify in the comments box what the payment is for and which advertisement.  If an invoice
is needed prior to payment please let us know and we'll send out a PDF file for you to print.  If
mailing a check, please mail to:

The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine
Advertising Department
P.O. Box 1131
Soledad, CA 93960

Receipts will be mailed out the same day payment is received.
Media/Coupon Insert: $450 USD
*Advertising duration is 3 months (included in the price).  Additionally, you will receive all the
benefits of online advertising absolutely
FREE for the duration of your advertising agreement with
us!  This includes a website banner on our highly trafficked website on the "Home/Index" page,
"Online Content" page, and our "Sponsor" page for the duration of your advertisement.  You will
also receive the opportunity to have the latest news about your business posted on our front page
for visitors to see (news items & images need to be submitted via email to us for posting.  
Advertising prices are based on current issue production rates and are subject to change on a
per-issue basis.  Advertising contracts (verbal or written) are exempt from rate increases unless
otherwise stated within the contract.  NAM Staff may offer lower, exclusive rates than the ones
seen here as incentives/special offers, through verbal offers/contracts with advertising commitment.
Cover Wrap Advertisement
Grayscale: $1000 USD
Placed over the actual cover and printed on 22lb gloss paper.  Consists of 3/4 of the front page
(remaining space for magazine logo and barcode w/info, back cover, and inside front & back.
8.5 x 11 inches @200dpi
Back Cover
Inside Front
Inside Back
24lb high quality paper
8.5 x 11 inches @ 200dpi
Back Cover Advertisement
Grayscale: $750 USD
Inside Cover (front/back)
Grayscale: $600 USD
24lb high quality paper
8.5 x 11 inches @ 200dpi
Any ad placed loosely within the magazine or polybag at editorial
discretion. Inserts may be CDs, DVDs, postcards, or cardstock ads any
size from quarter-page, to tri-folds no larger than
8.5 x 11 inches.  Inserts are be supplied by the advertiser and must
match the total print run of the issue in which they are to be included
(will be specified at time of purchase).
1-Year Full Page Commitment
Grayscale: $1600 USD