If an individual's call-sign isn't present, they are NOT NAM Staff. There will be instances where contributors are covering events in association with The NAM. Verification will be established beforehand and ONLY by Reaper or Howitzer. If any questions/situations regarding this should arise, please don't hesitate to email Reaper for verification purposes. This goes for "product reviews," articles and any other general content within the magazine. Layman's terms: In the event that an individual either listed and not listed here, attempts to attend your event/game or tries to acquire product, etc for review in the magazine, or for any other means/purposes, using The NAM: National Airsoft Magazine as their source, who has not yet been cleared ahead of time, please don't hesitate to contact Reaper: reaper@nationalairsoftmagazine.com or Howitzer: howitzer@nationalairsoftmagazine.com, ASAP!